(Moderated by Dr. Ali Hemdan)
Where: ICCNY Multi-Purpose Room When: First Sunday of every month 11AM-1PM
- The time was chosen to correspond to the time of our Sunday Islamic School and it should present an ideal opportunity for our school parents to participate in the functions of our center and expand their knowledge of Islam. Dhur prayer will follow. The goal is to read and discuss books in English that pertain to our lives as Muslim Americans.
- Choice of text will be announced beforehand and ample time will be given to allow all those interested to read. Please note that those who sign up to participate will be expected to read each chapter beforehand and should be ready for a lively discussion.
- The plan is to discuss one chapter every month. While this may seem slow it will allow for good and deep discussions while having a light impact on our busy lives. Your suggestions for books to be included in the upcoming discussions are welcome.
- Please note that the texts will be limited to English text only as most Arabic speakers of our community have good command of the English language while the opposite may not be true.
- We will start this book club on November 2nd at 11 AM. Dr. Ali Hemdan has chosen “In the footsteps of the prophet, lessons from the life of Muhammad” by Tariq Ramadan. The book is available on the Internet.
- Updates, cancellations, modifications of any of the above mentioned information will be available on our website (iccnystamford.com)
- We plan to allow our teenagers who participate in our Sunday Islamic School to share in our discussion as part of their Islamic studies. More information about that will be available soon.